How to Remove a News Article, Arrest Record, Police Blotter, and/or Mugshot from the Internet in New Jersey

Life moves on, but sometimes the internet doesn’t. A negative news article, a past arrest record, a police blotter, or an unflattering mugshot can haunt your online presence and create hurdles when applying for a job, seeking a business partnership, or even building a personal relationship. Understanding the ins and outs of expungement law in New Jersey can help individuals wipe their digital slate clean.

Can Expungement Remove Content from the Internet?

Expungement refers to the legal process of removing criminal records from public databases. The primary goal of expungement is to help people reestablish their life by eliminating the stigma of a criminal record. Removing online content, such as news articles or arrest records, can be an arduous process as it involves different strategies and methods that may not guarantee total content removal.

Content Removal vs. Suppression

Content removal refers to the complete elimination of information from websites and search engine results. It often requires the expertise of legal professionals who can navigate defamation and libel laws. Suppression, on the other hand, means utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to push negative content down in search results, making it less visible and less likely to be discovered by casual browsers.

Nationwide Content Removal Lawyers at Your Service

To address the unique challenges involved in removing or suppressing online content, hiring skilled content removal lawyers with a national reach is essential. These attorneys have expertise in:

  1. Identifying the appropriate legal strategies for removing or deindexing online content
  2. Negotiating with website administrators to remove, update or modify content
  3. Handling defamation, libel, and slander cases
  4. Protecting clients from reputational harm and securing their online privacy

No Fee Unless Content is Removed or Deindexed

Many content removal lawyers offer contingency-based fees, meaning that clients pay only if the content is successfully removed or deindexed. This prevents individuals from pouring their resources into a case without the guarantee of success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Content Removal Law in New Jersey

Q: Will expungement automatically remove the content from the internet?
A: Expungement focuses primarily on clearing criminal records. While it may remove the records from public databases, it does not guarantee the removal of online content like news articles, blog posts, or mugshots.

Q: Can I sue for defamation, libel, or slander?
A: If the online content in question contains false and harmful statements about an individual, and it has caused actual harm to their reputation or finances, it may constitute defamation, libel, or slander. In such cases, individuals can sue the responsible party for damages.

Q: How can I remove a news article from Google search and the internet?
A: The best course of action is to consult a content removal attorney who can guide you through the legal process, negotiate with website administrators, and apply relevant laws to achieve the desired